The British Royal School is inspired by the need to respond and be an educational proposal with quality in the city of Concepcion, which is base don the student-centered education, with emphasis on teaching English language. First as an educational tool and later forming a base in the personal and profesional development; considering that this language has become the médium of communication in all áreas of relations between countries around the world in a global context.

To achieve the visión set out above, our Institutional Educational Project, which hosts the requirements of the chilean Educational Reform, has as misión:
- Learning to know
- Learn to act
- Learning to be
- Learning to live together
The visión of our Educational Project results in the formation of a type of person capable of:
- Discover the joy of construct in the own identity, freedom and responsibility.
- Understand this task as a possibility of continuous growth.
- Compromiso in the duties with himself and with the others.
- Becoming happy, through the development of his capabilities, coexistence and solidarity interaction.
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